New AI app from Privately SA set to automate age verification for independent UK vape stores
Independent vape stores across the UK are now able to use an AI app that provides automated and accurate facial age estimation, removing guesswork from age checks and mitigating the risk of fines that can exceed £1,500.
Our Vape Advocacy (OVA) has partnered with Privately SA to offer its UK members the latter's AgeAI age estimation system. This is said to be 100% anonymous, with no images transmitted or stored, and GDPR (UK) certified.
“We want to proactively ensure that our members are doing their best to avoid selling to minors and Privately’s AgeAI is the ideal solution for our industry," says James Van Aalst, Our Vape Advocacy.
"We are delivering a bespoke version of AgeAI that is best in class and designed with vape retailers in mind. It is lightning fast at the checkout, greatly reduces friction between staff and customers, and is incredibly easy to set up. AgeAI automates the ‘refusals register’, making monitoring store compliance easier over time.”

The 2024 Underage Vape Sales Report recently revealed that two retailers were caught every single day selling vapes to underage teens in 2023. Guilty retailers could see fines exceeding £1,500, while the upcoming Tobacco and Vapes Bill aims to tighten vape sales regulations further.
Privately’s FaceAssure technology, on which the AgeAI product is based, has passed the Challenge 25 certification of UKAS, meaning it can identify 18–20-year-olds with 100% accuracy as being under 25.
Age AI has also been approved by Peterborough City Council, as part of the Primary Authority Register, has undergone testing, including EAL3 certification and UK GDPR compliance, and has been trialled in Europe and the US.
“The vape industry is a highly fragmented sector and under massive scrutiny right now, and there’s an urgent need to clamp down on underage sales,” says Deepak Tewari, CEO, Privately SA.
“OVA members will now be assured they have an automated, accurate and speedy solution that means store staff can avoid the confrontation that comes from requests for ID and turning people away.”
“Automated age verification is the first step towards online safety and age appropriate user experiences. It is currently easy for minors to access adult content, gambling sites or buy restricted items like vapes, fireworks, alcohol and cigarettes.”
“This can happen with just a few clicks online, and in physical retail stores, there is a constant friction created by ID checks and fake IDs. Automation is a highly effective way of addressing these issues, and our technology is suited to a wide range of use cases - both physical and online."
AI is a key focus area for the sixth edition of the RTIH Innovation Awards, which is now open for entries.
The awards, sponsored by CADS, 3D Cloud, Retail Technology Show 2025, and Business France, celebrate global tech innovation in a fast moving omnichannel world.
It’s free to enter and you can do so across multiple categories.
Key 2024 dates
Friday, 25th October: Award entry deadline
Tuesday, 29th October: 2024 shortlist revealed
30th October-6th November: Judging days
Thursday, 21st November: Winners announced at the 2024 RTIH Innovation Awards ceremony, to be held at RIBA’s 66 Portland Place HQ in Central London.
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