Rapid grocery delivery firm Getir UK’s partnership with Nisa leads to £30,000 LCK charity donation
Getir, a Turkish company that operates in the ultrafast grocery delivery space, has donated £30,000 to London's Community Kitchen (LCK) thanks to its partnership with Nisa.
Funds were raised from sales of Co-op products sold through the Getir app.
Marking the donation, the latter showcased its support for local communities on Friday 23rd February at the Hilton London Wembley – unveiling a flagship transport asset purchased by LCK following the donation to the local London charity.
Getir began stocking Co-op products nationwide from November 2022 after a trial period in local London gstores. Funds were made possible through Nisa’s registered charity, Making a Difference Locally (MADL), which raises money with Nisa partners and associated stores.
A percentage of all Co-op’s own-label products sold go into a virtual fund for retailers and partners to donate.
Additional funds can also be raised via in-store collecting tins, coin spinners, and clothing banks. More than £17 million has been raised by Making a Difference Locally for community causes across the UK to date.

Karthik Harith, General Manager at Getir UK, comments: “Partnering with Nisa has allowed us to expand our offering and, more importantly, given us a platform to give back to the community.”
“The workers at London's Community Kitchen work tirelessly daily to help the most vulnerable, and we are privileged to support them with our donation”.
Kate Carroll, Head of Charity at Nisa, says “MADL makes a huge difference to communities across the UK and I’m absolutely delighted to see Getir using their MADL fund for such a worthwhile cause in London's Community Kitchen.”
“This funding will have a huge impact on those who need support most throughout these cold months and I’m delighted the partnership between MADL and Getir has contributed to such a positive community initiative.”
Taz Khan, London’s Community Kitchen, says: "It's a monumental moment for us, as this generous donation from Getir will enable us to purchase a van, a critical asset in addressing our growing transport needs.”
“As we witness the challenge of food insecurity escalating in London, it's more vital than ever for us to stand united. This van will be instrumental in our efforts to combat this issue. We urge everyone in London to join hands and pledge their support through our 'Let's Feed London' campaign.”
“Together, we can make a significant impact and offer much-needed support to some of London's most vulnerable communities.”
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