Yeo Valley Organic puts scannable Moo-R Code on cows

British brand, Yeo Valley Organic, has launched scannable QR codes that have been shaved into the hides of all 400 of its British Friesian cows, to celebrate the national roll-out of connected packaging. 

It worked with SharpEnd on the project.

Each ‘Moo-R Code’ is unique to the cow and links the scanner to a profile page.

QR codes are being included permanently across all of Yeo Valley Organic’s product packaging moving forward - incorporated as part of the company’s move towards fully recycled materials.

Each one links the user to a loyalty programme, along with extras like time-based recipe content.

Adrian Carne, Managing Director at Yeo Valley Organic, says: “We like to stay one step ahead of the herd, and just like our cows with their unique markings a Moo-R Code can tell you so much about your product and its benefits, particularly in our case highlighting the value of organic farming.”

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