Pricer snags another ESL order from PLUS Retail
Dutch co-operative supermarket chain PLUS Retail has placed a follow up order for an on-going project involving the deployment of Pricer’s electronic shelf label (ESL) platform in its 265+ stores.
The aim is to have all stores up and running with the tech before the end of Q1 2021.
Dutch #supermarket chain @PLUSretail takes their #ESL platform to the next level with #PricerPlaza. Together with highly reliable labels, long battery lifetime and Instant Flash capability it lays the foundation for advanced use cases.
— Pricer (@PricerAB) October 20, 2020
👉 #grocery
In June, Carrefour announced plans to deploy Pricer’s ESL system at 43 of its hypermarkets in France.
Contract value is approximately SEK 50 million and deliveries are expected to be completed during 2020. Carrefour is an existing Pricer customer.
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ESL techStaff WriterPricer, PLUS Retail, Electronic Shelf Labels, Retail technology, Bricks and mortar retail, CarrefourComment