Top 10: last week’s most popular retail technology articles
McDonald’s trials takeaway store for city workers
Five retailers/brands that are so innovative right now
Matthew Ford leaves Cognizant for Arcadia Group digital role
Pavilion Broadway makes ‘first of many’ digital CX investments
The retail tech space in July: good month/bad month
John Lewis Partnership backs robotics innovation initiative
Shop Direct reveals progress on new fulfilment centre
Tapping into passions, hobbies and interests: the new formula for customer connectivity
Amazon: A Prime example of delivering digital experience excellence
Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield brings jungle to London
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Featured names Siva Lakshmanan and Yogesh Kulkarni as joint CEOs
Retail technologyStaff WriterRetail technology, Bricks and mortar retail, Online retail, Robotics, Pureplays, Supply chainComment