August: top 10 most clicked retail tech articles
These are the RTIH articles that caught your fancy during August.
Amazon: A Prime example of delivering digital experience excellence
Samsung KX launch shows that retail is alive and kicking
The future of retail is a seamless digital and physical experience
McDonald’s trials takeaway store for city workers
Real Business Value? Or is your retail tech just digital lipstick on an analogue pig?
Lojas Americanas goes checkout-free with Zippin
Crypto community savages Bilal Khalid, Satoshi Nakamoto reveal
Decathlon and Barclaycard announce Click and Connect trial
TfL announces retail innovation competition shortlist
Six more big retail tech plays in 2019
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Checkout-free stores - is a hybrid model the best way forward?
Retail technologyStaff WriterAmazon, Online retail, Retail technology, Bricks and mortar retail, Payments, Click and Collect, Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Checkout free storesComment