Top 10: last week’s most popular retail technology articles
Lojas Americanas goes checkout-free with Zippin
Mattress retailers head for period of consolidation, GlobalData
Amazon UK exec calls for High Street/online co-operation
Yodel couriers 'on a road to nowhere', says GMB union
Startup Q&A: Gary Rohloff, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Laybuy
Walmart files yet another blockchain patent
Five retailers/brands that are so innovative right now
SME online fashion retailers face barriers to innovation, Klarna
LLamasoft lands JD Logistics supply chain deal
Wirecard unveils Grab & Go Store concept
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Why Canadians choose casinos as a leisure activity
Retail technologyStaff WriterOnline retail, Retail technology, Payments, Bricks and mortar retail, Blockchain, Supply chain, Checkout free stores, Omnichannel retailComment