Paris Retail Week 2018 gets Smart Phygital
The fourth edition of Paris Retail Week came to an end on 12th September, after three days of focusing on the ‘Smart Phygital’ revolution.
2018 key figures
34,804 visitors; Over 700 exhibitors and 436 speakers; The participation of major retail players including; Amazon, Google, Facebook, Alibaba, Adidas and; 18,340 conference participants; 1,184 business meetings set up; 10 prizes awarded at the Paris Retail Awards; Two Paris tours to the capital’s most innovative retail outlets.
Arnaud Gallet, Director of Paris Retail Week, comments: "With the key theme of Smart Phygital, the meetings and debates showed that the boundary between the ‘physical’ and the 'digital' has disappeared. At the centre of these new trends, hyper-empathy has become a vital issue in business.”
Paris Retail Week 2019, meanwhile, will run from 24th-26th September at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles.
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